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Knife Painting Collection

I created this promotional video to publicize my paintings created with the Palette Knife technique. Artist: Debbie Pedroso Social Media: Instagram: KNIFE ART – A painting knife is an artist’s tool with a flexible steel blade used to apply paint to the canvas. It has a pointed tip, lowered or “cranked” like a…
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Projeto da fanpage Diga aí – “O show tem que continuar”

Estive ao vivo na fanpage Diga Aí, ensinando a pintar em tela com tinta acrílica, uma linda lua refletida no lago, venha aprender! Fanpage Diga Aí: I was live on the Fanpage DIGA AÍ (portuguese page)Say There, teaching to paint on canvas with acrylic paint a beautiful moon reflected in the lake, come and…
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Knife Painting

What is painting with a palette knife called? Palette knife painting is a term used to describe the impasto technique of applying paint to canvas using a painting knife. 19th-century master painter Vincent van Gogh is one artist who was known to use the method. A painting knife is an artist’s tool with a flexible steel blade used to apply paint…
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Pouring Painting Technique

Fluid Acrylic Paint Pouring is a painting method that uses acrylic paint and pouring medium to create an organic free form painting with rich, vibrant swirls and cells of color. … If you can pour, stir and blow through a straw I can teach you how to make a paint pour masterpiece you will LOVE! It’s a technique of painting where acrylic paint is poured onto canvas or…
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What is Dot Art?

Pointillism (/ˈpɔɪntɪlɪzəm/) is a technique of painting in which small, distinct dots of color are applied in patterns to form an image. Georges Seurat and Paul Signac developed the technique in 1886, branching from Impressionism. What kind of paint do you use for dot art?“love your mistakes, and the adventures that follow”​- Kim Mackay The best paint…
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Qual o significado das mandalas?

A mandala, cujo termo sânscrito significa “círculo” ou “completude”, é um yantra circular que simboliza o Universo. São símbolos que nos permite reconhecer e criar consciência de diversos processos de nossas vidas, principalmente se tratando de mudanças, aprendizados e transformações. Representa também a procura pela paz interior, procura essa que é representada pelos padrões entrelaçados…
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